
Old-Fashioned is Better

(At least in some things.)

Over the past few years, I’ve been leaning more towards the slower ways of doing things–writing letters, using a physical planner instead of my phone, taking photos with my camera instead of my cell phone. It’s nice to have the attention span to actually do what I’m trying to do without having to constantly remind myself to go back to the task at hand. I’ve set up limits on my phone and computer for how much time I can spend on an app during the day, and it’s been freeing. If I find myself mindlessly navigating to Instagram or Twitter, but I’ve reached my limit, I can do something else. It’s wonderful to know that I cna actually just take a step back.

I’ve also been thinking about “old-fashioned” things more because we’ve been spending more time out and about this summer than we have since the beginning of the pandemic. It’s been great to get together with friends and go to the club and play tennis or go swimming without the constant pressure of the cell phone just out of reach–because it’s not allowed. It’s an enforced way of slipping back into a slower and more gracious time, and it’s so nice to just be required to disconnect.

I spoke with a friend the other day who had taken a few weeks’ vacation and completely disconnected during that time–no cell phone, no email, nothing. After my first internal reaction (“how could you even do that!”), I felt jealous. I’d love to step away from things and force myself to slow down. Setting my own limits is great, and I’m glad to do that. But I’m curious to know how it would be to be without a phone for a few weeks. We all spend so much time connected to everything that I’m curious to know how it would feel to take my “only disconnect” mantra just that extra step further.

In the meantime, in the evenings, I’m going to start picking up my needlepoint again instead of scrolling through Instagram (or picking up a real book instead of an ebook.) What are you reading? What are you stitching? What are you doing if you’re not on your phone? Please let me know!

6 thoughts on “Old-Fashioned is Better

  1. Just catching up on your posts here – As I find a bit of extra time these days by moving to academic applied research from industry, I’m slowly browsing the book collection for re-readings – Buckley’s Racing Through Paradise is a recent pull from the shelf. Searching out vintage hi-fi equipment [sorry, a net thing that doesn’t truly qualify here I guess] collecting components to build a set of speakers – things I haven’t touched since, well, a lengthly while ago.
    Have to admit the title first registered as an Old Fashioned – so I opened looking for your favorite recipe share …

    1. I love to browse through my collection for re-reads; I often find I enjoy books more on a second or third read than initially!

      I should share favorite fall and winter cocktail recipes too; I shared a few summer ones, and I would be fun to continue that series!

  2. I am catching up on my blog reading today, so I am a little late reading this. You mention a paper planner here. I have been thinking about getting a different planner this year, and I wonder if you might share which planner you use?

    1. Hi Mary! Yes, I’ve been using the Moleskine Daily Planner (link here:*), which I have enjoyed and found very helpful. However, with school for my little one starting soon, I need more space and separation to keep track of work + life + school, so I’m eyeing Plum Paper’s planners. They are fully customizable, which is great! I also am keeping an eye on Papier’s offerings, as I’ve heard good things about their planners. Which planner do you use?

  3. A cell phone is there to make your life easier, not to take it over. My answering message on my cell phone says if you really need to reach me, call me at home. I only take my cell phone out with me when I need it for myself, not to remain accessible. Examples are working out (to identify my body if things go bad), to enable my wife to find me if we are shopping in different spots, or because I am expecting a call or text, usually from my daughter. If I lost my cell phone I would be just fine. Maybe it is all just an over reaction to retiring from a nerve wracking job where I had to be reachable 24/7/365 or366.

    1. I do need to do that more–my husband has suggested just switching from a smartphone. However, I do need a smartphone for work, as our work line is forwarded to my cell phone. In any case, I disable email notifications outside of the work day, and often have my phone on “do not disturb” when possible. It’s definitely a huge help!

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