
What Are Your Classics?

“Invest in the classics,” is the advice I’d give anyone who is committing to replacing their wardrobe with fewer and better things, and it’s obviously not advice that’s unique to me. But something I’ve realized is that “the classics” aren’t really discussed–not beyond the short list of things that “every woman should have,” which somehow seem to consist of a little black dress and a good pair of heels. But what if those classics don’t fit your life? What if they aren’t your classics? It’s great to invest in good pieces, but I really believe that you should only invest in pieces that you will actually wear. Otherwise, what’s the point?

Part of the reason I started this blog was to define my own style–to actually define it, to write down what I like and suits me; what I like but doesn’t suit me; what I don’t like. It’s been an extremely helpful journey for me to have things actually written down. Now, if I’m tempted by something I like but I know it doesn’t work for me, I’m not going to say, “well, I’ll just try it and see.” I’ll move on and try to find what I like and what actually suits me. It’s also been helpful to remind myself that I don’t really need many new things. There are gaps in my wardrobe, but I’ve written about those extensively and I’m not so tempted any more by things I don’t really need.

So–what are my classics? What are the pieces I feel comfortable in investing in, because I know I’ll wear them forever? Shoes are an easy one–my Belgians and Stubbs. Scarves, now that I’m learning how to wear them. My Kiki jackets. My Barbours. My mother’s Burberry trench. My beautiful Molly Moorkamp dress. Those are the pieces I’ve had and worn for years (in most cases), that I will always have in my closet, and will never (I hope!) outgrow.

What are your classics?

2 thoughts on “What Are Your Classics?

  1. This is a great list. It’s always a worthwhile exercise to go through the wardrobe and figure out the absolute essentials. It sheds light on the items that don’t get much wear, and it points the way to living closer to the ethos of your site. For me, it’s light khaki or stone chinos, Oxford button down shirt, etc. But I often find myself wearing black: Black jeans, black polo shirts, black loafers, not necessarily all at once (but sometimes). Maybe it’s the onetime New Yorker in me.
    My Lee 101J jacket gets a lot of wear, though far less in the current heatwave. And I like brown sport coats over navy, though certainly have the requisite navy blazers.
    My keep-for-life jacket is certainly my Belstaff Fieldmaster, but I like my Grenfell Shooter Jacket because it fits over chunky sweaters and even a sport coat or a suit jacket.
    There’s something almost Parisian about this kind of wardrobe clarity. Thanks for the post.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I’ve found it very worthwhile. I’ve been keeping careful track from season to season of what I’ve worn and what I haven’t, so this is definitely a longer exercise than I’ve anticipated but it’s had interesting results! It’s so nice to just not have to wonder. And it frees up a lot of mental space, as well as closet space! I always appreciate your comments–thank you so much!

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