
Life Updates

I feel like I’ve been sick for 90% of the school year, and another bout with bronchitis has frankly left me exhausted. This is not to complain, but more to let you know why this blog has been only sporadically updated during the past few weeks.

I’m also choosing to take a step back from social media. I did this last year, and it was a refreshing break. Somehow, however, the endless Instagram scrolling crept into my daily routine again. I love Instagram, and connecting with the incredible community there, but too often I feel myself picking up my phone and wasting time on the app instead of using it the way I think it should be used–to share and gather inspiration, to build connections, to enjoy the friendship of others.

For the past week, I’ve been limiting my Instagram usage for a set number of minutes per day. I’ve logged out of Instagram on my computer. I’ve disabled app notifications. I’ve already noticed a shift in my behavior. Instead of constantly checking in, I’ve been able to set aside a certain amount of time each day to enjoy the app. I’ve noticed my attention span increase–I’m not constantly shifting to open a tab on my computer to scroll through posts. It’s been very helpful, and I hope that I can stick with in.

In the meantime, I’m going to use this extra found time to live more in the moment, instead of using even a few minutes of downtime to scroll through posts. Right now, for instance, I’m on the train, and instead of spending the ride on Instagram, I’m checking in with you.

I’m committed to spending more time on my blog in the coming weeks–I’ve missed writing here! Let me know what you’d like to see 🙂 Have a wonderful week!

6 thoughts on “Life Updates

  1. Sarah
    I completely agree, a digital detox (that’s a thing, now) is definitely the way to go! Over lockdown, my endless scrolling became almost an addiction and it’s been a hard one to tackle. I love IG but found it contributed to my spiralling lack of confidence despite following only those who should inspire me. I limit my interaction with Facebook and follow some on there which I used to follow on IG and often the posts were the same anyway. Only last night, after spending two hours through Pinterest for nothing in particular, I asked my husband (who loves a FB Reel almost as much as he loves me) “what did we do in the evenings before being on the phone all night?” It was a hard thing to remember, which just shows how integrated it is now into our lifestyle choice – and it is a choice, but an ‘easy’ option. So tonight, I’m going to write to my sister and my friend instead of messaging them. I do love a nicely-written letter, sending and receiving. While social media has its place, it’s hopefully going to have a much smaller place in mine. Thanks for the reminder that there are other, more interesting things to do. Get well soon x

    1. That sounds like a wonderful idea, Judy! I have so much stationery and I’d love to use it more regularly, instead of just for thank-you notes and holiday correspondence. It is difficult to remember what we used to do before social media! I’m glad I’m limiting my usage as well. Let me know how yours goes 🙂

  2. I’m so sorry you’ve been sick so often this school year! Bronchitis is awful. It’s great to see a new post, and I hope you’re starting to feel a bit better.
    This is a timely read for me, as I’ve also been trying to pull back from Instagram and from wasting time online in general. I’ve deleted the apps that I constantly checked, but were in reality a silly waste of time. I love the friendships I’ve made on Instagram, but not how the app muscles its way into my downtime. Or the way sharing things I like can quickly become a chore called ‘creating content.’ I’m hoping to get into this topic on my own site once things settle down for me.
    I’m looking forward to seeing more posts and wish you good health as the school year winds down! One of my favorite of your posts is the guide to thank-you note writing – it really helped me improve the notes I send out. I’d love to see more of your suggestions for wording notes – condolence card, get well wishes, thinking of you.

    1. Ugh, it’s been the worst! Just finished my last dose of antibiotics so hopefully I’ll be back to normal soon.

      Thank you for your great ideas for posts! I always love reading your posts as well and I was excited to see how you managed the switch to substack. I’m hoping that all goes well for you too as the school year comes to an end, and hopefully we’ll both have relaxing summers with an abundance of offline activities 🙂

  3. I can only echo what you and others have posted – I find myself spending so much time scrolling through Instagram with a desire to feel inspired and connected, but ultimately feeling neither. I love the suggestion to write to loved ones instead of sending a DM. I’m resolving to spend less time online and more time with hobbies, books, friends, and family.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

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